First published in the WOMEX – World Music Expo 2024 delegate guide.
As arts professionals, how can we make real differences for those affected by the many harmful facets of war? That has been the mission of In Place of War (IPOW) ever since in 2004, when it began as a research project at the University of Manchester. Things have grown since then.
IPOW specialises in ‘artivism’, using music, theatre and visual art to help people not only during times of war, but after war, once much of the immediate international attention has dissipated, as well as communities affected by political violence, oppression and gang violence. And their reach is genuinely impressive, touching individuals and communities across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, from Kampala to Medellín, Hebron to Yangon. So far, their work has spanned thirty countries, creating a collaborative network of 130 ‘change-maker’ creative organisations along the way.
By working across five ‘pillars’ – space, engage, learn, support, create – IPOW make sure that their projects are people-first. They don’t dictate the terms of the art that people ‘should’ be making, but foster the creativity that emerges organically from the communities it serves. This anti-paternalistic approach ensures that they facilitate rather than dictate, allowing local voices to shape the narrative. It is important, then, that this knowledge is sustained and recycled – IPOW and their network share the knowledge and experience that they have gained through their work, so that it can be replicated on an even wider scale.
The achievements speak for themselves: community arts spaces are built, professional equipment and training is supplied, albums are released to critical acclaim, art in all forms flourishes where war has ravaged. And the ambitious plans continue to expand outward: in the coming years, IPOW aims to uniting scientific knowledge, indigenous heritage and artistic creativity to engage and inspire around issues of climate justice, and to turn their focus to the UK, helping disadvantaged young artists at grassroots, institutional and policy levels.
For using art to make lasting differences to people and communities affected by war all across the world; for giving arts professionals a roadmap for collaborative community engagement; and for achieving such wide-ranging results in just twenty years, we are delighted to announce In Place of War as the recipient of the WOMEX 24 Award for Professional Excellence.