Friday, 19 July 2024

Temporal Waves - Temporal Waves

First published in Songlines Magazine issue 200, August/September 2024.

Temporal Waves
Temporal Waves
Linear Fade Records / People Places Records (63 mins)

Canadian tabla player Shawn Mativetsky has performed and recorded across many genres for the past 25 years, but this is his first album under his new moniker. Don’t let the percussion fool you – there is little South Asian to Temporal Waves except for some rhythmic phrasing and the occasional tihai. Instead, the tabla is suffused into vast, cinematic synth-futurism with dubtronic and retro video game edges – think Vangelis and Wendy Carlos playing on an Atari in a Whirl-y-Gig chill-out room. It’s all guided by a very strong sense of sci-fi aesthetic, from the hi-tech fantasy forest cover art to the synthscapes that toe the edge between optimistic utopia on one side, and menacing dystopia on the other. Temporal Waves isn’t doing anything particularly new or groundbreaking here, but he does serve up a big dose of nostalgia: the 80s and 90s vibes are real. Stick this on some bassy speakers and have a blast from futures past.