Friday 4 September 2020

Dandana - Free the System

First published in Songlines Magazine issue 161, October 2020.

Free the System
Rebel Up Records (40 mins)

About this album, Dandana say ‘the old system can’t easily deal with young or new ideas.’ In a time where people are rising up against old systems all over the world, it is a message that is being heard more – and louder – than ever.

This is the music of generation gaps. Dandana are made up of traditional musicians who are not afraid to look above and beyond, and of contemporary musicians eager to delve into the depths of musical lore. Often those people are one and the same. With members from the Netherlands, Gambia and Senegal, the group journey across Senegambian soundscapes with electronica as their vehicle – and gather many guests along the way.

It’s an unusual mix – inspirations from the region’s classic psychedelic dance bands such as Guelewar and Ifang Bondi sit very easily alongside electronica production – but it’s one that yields a surprising depth. The result is full of chill dance vibes, ecstatic beats that lend themselves to peaced-out nodding just as well as full-body dancing.

Whether Free the System can help to unite old ways with new ideas and bridge generation gaps remains to be seen. With it, however, Dandana add their voice to a burgeoning international movement that is changing the way of the world as we know it.